Let's Chat!

The (Brilliant) Feminine Leader

 It’s Your Turn to Finally Create the Business and Life

You’ve Always Imagined

Successfully Creating, Running and Leading Your Six and Seven Figure Organization

Unleash The Possible, Create What You’ve Always Imagined, Own Your Power


A 12-Month World Class Container of Success

For Every Woman Who's Ever Dreamed Of Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur Or Leader In Their Field

Transformational Leadership + High-Powered Business Strategies and Brilliant Connections Yield Massive Gains & Impact

Grow Predictable Revenue. 

We’ll demystify what it takes to grow a profitable business. With access to proven marketing strategies, sales strategies, training, and step-by-step processes you will master lead generation, conversations that convert to cash, and most importantly creating top-notch client relationships and opportunities to generate consistent, predictable cash flow. 

Become A Recognized Thought Leader.

The value you bring to relationships and in touching and transforming lives can wield tremendous influence. It is the currency of our time. But it’s up to YOU to take the pro-active steps necessary to become recognized by your "ideal clients" as a leader in your space. It's up to you to get in front of them to demonstrate the value you share the ideas and information they need to know. Becoming a thought leader doesn't happen by waiting around or by simply chasing opportunities through social media and networking platforms alone. We’ll show you how to step out to bring your ideas to life through viable connections and value-based visibility. Real strategies for real recognition.

Be A Force For Social Good.

According to Deloitte, “purpose-driven companies witness higher market share gains and grow three times faster on average than their competitors, all while achieving higher workforce and customer satisfaction.” We'll teach you how to succeed by creating a meaningful impact. Becoming a force for social good gives you a far more compelling story to tell and allows you to connect with more authenticity. We’ll show you how to work for something bigger than yourself and in so doing create a business or career bigger than you ever imagined.

“Walk the talk and put humans at the heart of your choices”.

Your (Brilliant) Feminine Leader experience is an unparalleled program combining expert strategies, tools, done-for-you elements and the know-how to succeed.

One 2-Hour Visioning Your Destiny Virtual Retreat

($1,500 Value)

  • Saturday, March 27, 2021.
  • Led by Noreen Howard.
  • Join your fellow (Brilliant) Feminine Leaders to create foundational shifts and a pathway forward to support your success.

One 3-Hour PRIVATE 1:1 Kick-Off Strategy Session

($7,500 Value)

  • Meet privately with Noreen for your business strategy makeover. 
  • Get clarity on your vision, purpose, mission and goals.
  • Craft your messaging with precise, compelling concepts and language. 
  • Identify your Powerhouse Quantum Leap Project.
  • Hosted on Zoom and Recorded for you.

Two 2-Day LIVE Retreats

($15,000 Value)

  • Retreat #1: April 22-23, 2021 (Virtual).
  • Retreat #2: November 11-12, 2021 (In-Person).
  • Led by Noreen Howard and Guest Faculty.
  • Come together with your fellow (Brilliant) Feminine Leaders for an extraordinary business building event!

Marketing Makeover 

($15,000 Value)

  • Brand Marketing Audit (of your current Website, Messaging, Marketing Materials, and Marketing Practices).
  • Evaluation Report based on your completion of an Extensive Questionnaire and Deep Dive into your Marketing Efforts and Practices.
  • Custom Marketing Prescription, based on wherever you are at in your business, outlining specific suggestions for the most effective way forward.
  • Led by Noreen and the Creative Director of NH Communications.

Business Acceleration/Momentum Infinity™

($7,500 Value)

  • Become a member of our Momentum Infinity™ global leadership community.
  • Get our Business Momentum  Framework + 18  robust training modules, resources & templates.* (All recorded and available in our Member Portal)
  • Includes over 50+ hours of business growth training, and monthly Q&A calls with Noreen and our expert faculty.
  • Plus, includes ALL other Momentum Infinity™ member program benefits!  

Modules Include: 

1. Your Growth Plan

2. 60-Day Quick Start

3. Build Your Audience & Your Email Mastery (CataList)

4. Power Communication & Your Million Dollar Messaging

5. Develop Your Signature Offer

6. Expand & Amplify your Associations

7. The Art of Selling

8. Follow-Up & Nurture Proficiency

9. Master Your Money

10. Negotiation + Navigating Courageous Conversations

11. Design Your Freedom Based Business

12. Mindset

13. Amplify Your Influence & Build Your Platform

14. Build Your Dream Team

15. Quantum Leaps & Bold, Inspired Action

16. Compelling Copy

17. Speaking

18. Stand-Out Leading Authority – Media & Publicity

9 Private 1:1 Coaching/Consulting Calls With Noreen (Invaluable)

  • Ignite your forward movement with focused, customized support throughout the year.
  • 8 Private Half-Hour Strategy and Mindset calls with Noreen.
  • 1 Private Creative Review with our creative team to prep for your studio experience.

10 Live, Leadership Power Practice Sessions 


  • Done-With-You Implementation Labs hosted live via Zoom. (all recorded and available to you in our Program Vault)
  • Led by Noreen & expert faculty.
  • Apply key business growth strategies that you are learning and take powerful action in real time.
  • No more distractions. No more overwhelm. No more random, incongruent activities. No more excuses.
  • Show Up Fully. Learn. Get Important Stuff Done.

3 Half-Day Bonus Intensives

($4,500 Value)

  • Join our Powerhouse Expert Faculty for three intensive half-day workshops.
  • Workshop #1: Email List Power (CataList) - Build one of your greatest assets in your B2C Business. Discover and Master tools essential to growing your audience.
  • Workshop #2: Social Media Strategies led by Noreen and other Guest Social Media Experts.
  • - Create clarity around your choice and purpose for engaging in particular social media platforms. Strategize how you will show up, create a plan to expand your reach, and learn how to optimally engage in a way that authentically highlights you, your business and your brand.
  • Workshop #3: Master Your Money Mindset hosted live via Zoom. Discover what truly drives your ambition + break through your money blocks.

12 Monthly Power Circle Mastermind Calls (with 4 other Mastermind Members for Peer Support and Idea Exchanges

($9,000 Value)

  • Every month, connect with a select small group of power partners aligned with your business/professional level.
  • Strategically facilitated session led by our Brilliant Feminine Leader expert faculty.
  • Stay accountable.
  • Share best practices. Celebrate Champagne Moments.
  • Get unstuck. Keep your fierce feminine prowess firing.

5 Done-For-You Marketing Resources

($5,000 Value)

  • Professionally Designed & Edited Opt-In Page or Lead Magnet.*
  • Two Professionally Written Email Newsletters or Blog Articles.**
  • Three Professionally Curated Social Media Posts. (LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram)***
  • Professionally Designed Logo and Business Tag Line.
  • Professional Edit of your Video Content

*Original Artwork (original and/or stock photography) to be supplied by you & Opt-In mechanism to be purchased by you
**Email provider of your choice to be secured by you
***Social Media Accounts to be setup by you | Does not include physical posting

Live Video Studio Experience 

($10,000 Value)

  • Hosted live in Philadelphia in September, 2021.
  • Facilitated on-site by Noreen & NH Communications.
  • Dare Forward and elevate your visibility, messaging and brand positioning with professional video footage.

Exclusive (Brilliant) Feminine Leader Facebook Group

($1,500 Value)

  • Stay connected with your fellow Feminine Leaders 24/7.
  • Get input, feedback & encouragement from your fellow members.
  • Cultivate relationships, generate new ideas and foster collaborations with new power partners.
  • Share resources, tools & best practices.
  • Celebrate your #ChampagneMoments.

The 8 Pillars of Powerhouse

Feminine Leaders

Together, we’ll focus on the 8 essential pillars of becoming a Powerhouse Feminine Leader. These pillars will support you in mastering Transformational Leadership and achieving accelerated, high-impact business growth and thought leadership. No matter where you are at in your journey, these essential pillars will elevate YOUR game and take you to the next level...and beyond!


BIG VISION. BIG LIFE. Align your business around your future vision. Create an inspired, comprehensive and actionable plan that will be a North Star guiding you to success. Crystallize and share your vision to fully empower your team, clients and stakeholders.


Take a stand for what you want, what you love, what you believe in. Crystallize your messaging, market positioning, and most of all find your courage to be heard. 


Find the key to profound meaning. Put humans at the heart of your choices. Learn how to BE the person you would want to deal with and trust to help advance your priorities, goals and growth.  


Develop and master proven processes that will accelerate your growth. In turn, your growth means more clients experiencing more of the benefits of your business. That's how you create a bigger impact in the world and garner repeat results.


Take center stage, build your visibility platform and play big, your way. Learn how to add significant value to your network and connections. Achieve broader reach and exponential growth by leveraging your expertise, results and thought leadership.  Become visible and be seen as the most Powerful You!


Learn how to leverage and repurpose your expertise to expand your reach and forge strategic alliances. In so doing, build undeniable value, enhance your reputation and create "million dollar" credibility.


Create a prosperous and thriving life in a way that accesses your personal power and aligns with your values. Discover how to create abundance and design your freedom based lifestyle by monetizing your expertise. Increase your revenue in predictable fashion and fall in love with your business and life again. 


Master Your Mindset. Develop a spiritually rich mindset that supports you seeing possibilities, amazing opportunities, incredible results and discerning the next right steps. Move through resistance with ease, and reach your true potential.

Soul of Leadership Success Codes & Feminine Power Practices

  • Inspire Your Extraordinary Life. Activate your true Feminine Leadership & Power by accessing inner success codes. Embrace power practices that will brilliantly bring them forward.
  • Fifteen Leadership Success Codes. Fifteen Masterclasses.
  • Garner the tools and support to create your extraordinary life. 

Amazing Grace

Authentic Connection

Magnetic Intention

Embracing Possibility

Heartfelt Courage & Compassion

Values & Vision

Conviction & Voice

Manifest Your Destiny

Expressive Creativity & Playfulness

Pull of Purpose & Calling

Radical Responsibility

Sumptuous Self-Love

True Wealth

Unleash Your Unique Brilliance

Unlock Universal Power

Your (Brilliant) Feminine Leader Investment

$3,000 deposit today
10 EZ convenient payments of $1,600 starting April, 2021

I'm Saying YES to Myself. I'm In!

Or Get 20% Off and Save $4,000 with an Upfront Investment!!!


$3,000 deposit today
Balance due by April, 2021

Do you know you're meant for more?

Are you ready to play big?

No one will give you permission but YOU!

Your Life Is Now!

There's no reason to wait!

I'm Ready to Learn More!

Reasons to Act Now:

1 You are committed to doing meaningful work.

There's no replacement for doing work you love. Designing a life built on your dreams and desires is art, freedom and fulfillment in itself.

2 You believe in your greater possibilities.

 It doesn't matter where you've been or what you've done before now, what matters is that you know you're meant for more and you're ready to trust yourself and make a move.

3 You're ready to grow, build your big leap plan and get results.

The level of coaching support, mentoring, consulting, done-with-you and done-for-you projects is an unparallelled package of professional services compared with other group programs. It's time to turn concepts and theory into reality.

4 You're ready to reshape the narrative, play bigger and get expert and peer support.

You're tired of the fits and starts of going it alone. You may have had some level of success but are frustrated you're no further along. It's time to accelerate your progress with the support of high-powered connections and amazing colleagues.

5 You are a reflection of the people you surround yourself with.

There's no denying that we reflect back that which we live. Being in a community of like-minded, ambitious women raises the stakes, influences our progress and helps hold ourselves accountable.

6 You're here for something bigger than yourself.

Every personal ambition and aspiration we have is important and our ability to pursue them with our highest purpose in mind and our contribution to the greater good is the way in which we can impact beyond measure.

7 Waiting to be ready is an illusion.

Those who learn and grow are those who take risks and invest in themselves. The marketplace is getting increasingly crowded and those who stand out bring their brilliant leadership to bear.

We Give Forward and Invest in Our World ...

When you invest in yourself, you're helping to change a life. A percentage of all proceeds from The (Brilliant) Feminine Leader goes to a life sustainable mission that provides fundamental human needs such as clean water, education and girls empowerment.

About Your Mentor 

Women’s Business Leadership Coach & Consultant

Noreen Howard is an entrepreneur dedicated to helping ambitious, passionate women thrive in business and life. 

Passionate herself about feminine leadership, claiming your unique, creative voice and building your wealth, Noreen supports women in owning their power and building businesses aligned with their deepest desires. Her mission is to advance women in taking their rightful place in the world as fierce, compassionate leaders, wealth builders and changemakers to help create a better world.

Noreen spent 20+ years in corporate management and executive leadership building and running multi-million-dollar profit centers and leading marketing and sales teams for Fortune 500 companies. She was committed to helping her team and her clients succeed while staying true to her corporate mission.


Copyright © 2021 | Noreen Howard | The Brilliant Feminine Leaders